Monday, November 3, 2008

What Do Shags Bands Mean

I'm a corresponding geographical area, as there are war correspondents!

I'm a corresponding location.
I am interested in what geography tells us about our presence in the world. I relate
walk places whose name shines a special way that gives the landscape to see. During my walks, I see landscapes, I'm going through, and I meet people, to whom I speak, for the earth is made of spaces and people who occupy them.
But the crux of my work revolves around walking. I work on the course, progress on the path being the metaphorical equivalent of the advance in life.
I produce photographs of landscapes that I cross and text on the meetings that I do, and trying to achieve geographical and correspondence.
I try to show how the issues of existence are present on the path of life but also how they illuminate the landscape. This light regenerates the interests of regions close to us and desecrates the exotic end of the world suddenly commonplace.
The book "that works" tends to give an idea of the interweaving of geography and life, which I find both serious and funny.
I'm a corresponding geographical as there are war correspondents ... I tell stories that eat what I see on the roads, and answers to questions posed to people I meet. These stories are our stories to everyone.
I try to illustrate by walking the mixed feeling of mystery and wonder of being asked is, sur terre.


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