As you can see on the poster for the film "Dear Wendy" on your left, we are shown very clearly in the sky a trail released by a plane. Why?
What happens above our heads has nothing to do with the normal condensation trails from aircraft released. For what follows, due to the proliferation of trails, they are sometimes completely covering veils the sky. What is the composition of these clouds? Are they harmful? This is the question we must ask the people's representatives so they are demanding answers. Although since Joke of the referendum on the EU constitution, democracy looks a bit more like a fable ...
on the link below you will see how it subliminally trying to make us accept these streaks (toxic?) That are above our head as something quite normal ...
www.dailymotion.com / video / xanfes_meteo-France-and-future-science-from = # comp_tech embed
Why put these trails on all these images? What is the primary reason? That's because it's part of the landscape? The directors consider that all these works without them their work would not be completed? Without that final touch? What is the point that will change everything?
Unless one tries to get used to their presence as something normal. Something that we did not see before but that now he must see as a natural phenomenon ...
Find out about "chemtrails". Many questions can be asked and answers are given.
If you ever worry about a possible harmful effects of contrails spewed by aircraft, and have nothing to do with contrails usual, I invite you to click on this link ...
You'll find a sample letter to send to your MP. For my part I go with mine in early September. And I will certainly make you return to our conversation.
In the meantime I invite you to look up and watch the sky. There are days like no other ...
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