Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How To Mastrubate Diagram

referendum on the pension reform ...

A sign and turn in as many ...

Friday, November 19, 2010

Oxytetracycline Alcohol

Public service, we like it, it defends

Public service? Like it or not, it is essential.
Who are the officials? (Taken from the Post: These officials pretended )

" Nurse: one that will make your toilet when you are incontinent and increasingly deprived of diapers

Soldier : One who put his life on the line to defend your political choices private

A police officer: one who will protect you against the "savages" who come to spoil the pretty private cars

A TGV driver: one that takes you into your private resort real cheap and safe

An inspector of taxes: one who runs the state with the money that private so hard to win

One factor: the one who leads you, the end of France , parcels of private gifts christmas Grandpa Granny

A teacher: one that allows you to learn for free what you put into practice in the private

A teacher: one who fly your little ones private and receives public insults

A judge who will handle your divorce private

A firefighter: the one for which the motto is "save or perish" and who will die to save your privacy and your private house lost in the scrub land with a connection and one kilowatt EDF at the same price elsewhere

A safety officer: one who will file into an office to refund your tranquilizers A private

Assedic officer or ANPE: one that will move your file unemployment when you have done for private outside

A technician EDF who deliver the course for you to view your DVDs private after the storm

A wise woman: one who does not hesitate to give rise to the galleys for your future managers

A private hospital director: he who struggles to free treatment overwork your private

A driver metro: the one that takes you to the lowest fare to Europe in your work, private

Even the metro: the one that takes you 365 days a year at your private parties and brings you even when you are drunk

The organizer of the festival of music: the jerk who organizes your nice little party June 21

And of course all without degrees, who collect your garbage, clean parks, improve the forests, looking for new technologies, carry your food at night when you sleep (even the train), rotate the power , referrals airplanes, hold elections, give food in school canteens, plant flowers in the cities, are TV shows, giving the weather (for private aircraft and also to private sailors!)

So the curse , insults, reject them, but when the public service, you will be private, so there you weep!

S ollow the Twitter account dedicated, visit mini-site , become a fan on Facebook .

Thank See Mee

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Used Portable Skate Sharpener

Scripture being

I embarked on a writing project.

first step
Step 2 Step 3

This post is only useful for measuring the impact of links on the accounts of Blogonet.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Windows 7 Coprocessor Driver Presario V6000

Realignment or how to play with words

Redesign is an anagram of Remmen.
Ex: Nicolas François and take her away like a team.

If you take out a letter to redesign gives:

ANEMIERENT: rendered anemic, weakened body (social)
Emmen led away from the place where you are to another place (can apply to Roma)
Emmen: Same as above but the future (possibly s' apply to the Net)
HALT: stop action. Stop the wheels through spokes. Ex: The descent is too fast, it must be stopped.
would lead to gossip: driving towards something or someone (see led away and taken)

Removing Sealant From Slate Tiles

[Song Sunday] Marc Ogeret, need more government

Song created by François Brunel in 1889.

At every street corner
The worker surprised
The poster
candidates rushed to Paris
You see a lot of promises written on paper

But people do not see masses of
So it is the cry

The government of Ferry
Is a rotten system
Those Floch and Constant
Also disgusting
or Carnot baker
could not change anything
To be truly happy
Should more government

The big belly qu'engraisse
The universal suffrage
Just you beat the drum
As Mr. Gérodel
It promises rosy
But when he was elected
It is not the same thing
You turns his ass! Some fanatics

lessees of speech
you retell the old stories
That means every day I'm a man

honest I'm a scholar
My boyfriend is honest
But the Populist said:


Even socialists
Members committees
support of phonies Who
s'portent members
There's no mistaking
Whether red, blue or white
It would be better to hang them from their fuck
That twenty-five francs

You pays their feasting
You, sovereign people
And when you work
Barely have you bread
so be more stupid if
Instead of voting
Scrap Them margoulette
And you can sing


In this whole story is the conclusion

voter is notoriously
Not all 'i love her because
' not the fatalist
I have neither faith nor law
I'm Friend abstentionist
here's why:


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sound Windows 7 Gx620

Wikio Ranking

Damn I forgot to say
ranking for the third month of the Solitaire Moon
Overall Ranking:
September 2010: 82.631e
October 2010: 30.380e
November 2010: 1309th

Multithématiques Rating:
September 2010: 70.073e
October 2010: 20.961e
November 2010: 241st

If that's not the sharp increase :-)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Adjustable Towel Bar Replacement

Liberalism and me, a great love story!

In response to the tag Nicolas and Cuckoo Keyboards

I already said that I think of the virtues of liberalism .
course in private liberalism seems a good thing. Be free. Live freely. To quote the philosopher Hervé Critsiani: He is free Max

Yet freedom is not that of Max coughed undertake.

It is magic, no less, in everything he does
He smiles easily, even for idiots
It plays well, he never n'tombe trap
It n'se not leave stunned by the neon lights of the rides
He lives his life without bothering what do
faces around him fish in the net

{Refrain:} It's free
Max! He is free Max! Has it even
who say they saw him steal

It works a little bit when his body agrees
For him should not worry, he knows his effort assayed
In 'basket of crabs, lobsters he n'joue not
It n'cherche not at any price bubble in the pool

{Refrain} It

r'garde around him with eyes of love
Before qu't'aies could not say anything, he loves it already starting
n'fait no noise, no drum n'joue
But the marble statue of him smiling in the yard Chorus} {

And of course all the girls make him the velvet eyes
Him, to please them, he tells stories
It takes them beyond the plowing
Riding unicorns at nightfall

{Refrain} Like

he has no money to do the flyer
It will often talk to people in his heart
What they s'racontent is why he should know him as
For much love in her eyes {Refrain}

My personal political philosophy is quite simple (yes I take the word "simplistic") in fact.

Fact: the total amount of bonus (yes that is how you write the plural of bonus, then in principle but we live in an era where there is more principled, must be "uninhibited") for traders and employees of financial institutions on Wall Street: 144,000,000,000 (that's a lot of zeros: $ 144 billion).
now calculate by taking the lowest GDP per country. ascent to No. 131 for 144 billion (Well almost, just missing 800 million and dust). Financial institutions on Wall Street (and Wall Street only) will redistribute the equivalent of the combined GNP of some fifty countries:

131 Bahamas 7335
132 Chad 6854
Benin 133 6672 134
6558 135 6151 Nicaragua 136
5598 137 5403 Moldova 138
5352 139 5261 Niger
140 Rwanda 5245
Tajikistan 141 4982 142 Kyrgyzstan

4570 143 4570 Malawi
Zimbabwe 144 4 397 145
4394 4203 146 Mongolia 147 Montenegro
148 Barbados 3595
Fiji 149 3060 150
3029 151 2983 Swaziland
152 Suriname 2962
153 Togo 2865
154 Guyana 2
024 155 1986 Central African Republic
Sierra Leone 156 1 877 157 Eritrea
158 Cape Verde 1 768 159
1602 160 1357 Maldives
161 Belize 1336
162 Burundi 1321
Bhutan 163 1 269 164
Antigua and Barbuda 1 178 165
1049 166 Saint Lucia 973 167
876 168 826 Guinea-Bissau
Seychelles 169 767 170
736 171 657 Solomon
172 Vanuatu
635 173 615 Granada
174 East Timor 590
175 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 567 Samoa 176

558 177 St. Kitts and Nevis
557 178 Comoros
532 179 362 Dominique
Tonga 180 313 181
Sao Tome and Principe
191 182 130 Kiribati

You have to admit, it's beautiful liberalism and I must go into exile on Wall Street for me to get a job!

About everyone has already answered but go ahead!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Invitation Wording Pay For Your Own Meal

[Sunday Lyrics] Amadou and Mariam - Dimanche à Bamako

Friday, November 5, 2010

Need Number On Avery Tent Cards

What in the World Are They Spraying ...

A Must See!
To understand what is happening. The movie "What in the World Are They Spraying?", Subtitled in French, has finally arrived. An excellent documentary comprehensive geo-engineering and the phenomenon of chemtrails.

Click on the link, scroll down the page you will find the movie trailer. The full version is just below ...
www.blueman.name/Des_Videos_Remarquables.php?NumVideo=1927 # NAVIGATION

Thank hussardelamort ...

Eye Round Roast In Crock Pot

Moratorium on GMO ...

Before our world was like the movie "Soylent Green", it is urgent to sign this petition, in a flash ...
secure.avaaz.org / en / eu_gmo /? Fp

Thursday, November 4, 2010

How Can Weed Help With Cataracks

toxic clouds, Plan B. .. UFO

Photo taken in recent days. An original idea to play the game of noughts and crosses ...

The spreading of toxic chemicals in our skies would be as "twaddle". The delirium of some conspiracy "theorists of chemtrails." Anyway this is what we explain the "experts" of France (dis) Info ...

Yet just the opposite as we reported this article from the Humanity ...
humanite.fr/27_10_2010-la-g% C3% A9o-ing% C3% A9nierie-weapon-handling-of-mass-456567

It talks about the subject less taboo of geo-engineering. The goal? Manipulating the climate. To what end? Fight against global warming. Lastly this, is the official version. For who has the ability to manipulate the climate will have a formidable weapon for world domination. Except that of the Care Bears, of course. But unfortunately the powerful of this earth, whether elected or not, not really a nice mug Teddy Bear ...
www.prims.fr / drawings / bisounours_cadavre_grand.jpg

Thus we learn in this article that " the Philippines requested, in international negotiations on biodiversity, the establishment of a moratorium on the technology geoengineering to fight against climate change. more question, says the country, continue of experiments in this area without an international mechanism of supervision and surveillance has been established. "

Oh? They experiment? Hold on! And these strange aircraft contrails that question more and more people? Would it not have something to do with these artificial cloud formations which speaks Article ?

Their Plan B is the level of sorcerer's apprentices. The "global warming" is their excuse to poison us. In the end, after the tip, to apply to only one thing, always better control us ...

Look up friends!

Horse Cart Blue Prints

[Book] Marcus Rediker, pirates of all countries

the title of the book by Marcus Rediker recalls the famous Workers of all countries unite concluded that The Communist Manifesto.
the author's thesis is that the convicts were the first marine proletarians and the pirates first revolt against globalization.
While the collision!

The golden age of piracy Atlantic (1716-1726)

"Damn you, you're a coward, as are all those who agree to be governed by the laws that rich men were drafted to ensure their own safety. They will pose as bandits, these miscreants, while there is a difference between us and them, they rob the poor under color of law as we plunder the rich under the protection of our single heart. "
Charles Bellamy.

Who were the pirates? On behalf of what ideal they have hoisted their flag skull, this enigmatic "Jolly Roger"? How did they upset lasting colonial trade and slave trade of the early eighteenth century?
In this book fascinating and innovative results for the first time in French, Marcus Rediker tells a fabulous story. One of the few thousands of "villains" who refused to obey the order and mercantile exploitation for preferring the freedom and cheerfulness, even though they pay with their lives.

Published by Editions Libertalia. It can be ordered HERE