Photo taken in recent days. An original idea to play the game of noughts and crosses ...
Yet just the opposite as we reported this article from the Humanity ...
humanite.fr/27_10_2010-la-g% C3% A9o-ing% C3% A9nierie-weapon-handling-of-mass-456567
It talks about the subject less taboo of geo-engineering. The goal? Manipulating the climate. To what end? Fight against global warming. Lastly this, is the official version. For who has the ability to manipulate the climate will have a formidable weapon for world domination. Except that of the Care Bears, of course. But unfortunately the powerful of this earth, whether elected or not, not really a nice mug Teddy Bear ...
www.prims.fr / drawings / bisounours_cadavre_grand.jpg
Thus we learn in this article that " the Philippines requested, in international negotiations on biodiversity, the establishment of a moratorium on the technology geoengineering to fight against climate change. more question, says the country, continue of experiments in this area without an international mechanism of supervision and surveillance has been established. "
Oh? They experiment? Hold on! And these strange aircraft contrails that question more and more people? Would it not have something to do with these artificial cloud formations which speaks Article ?
Their Plan B is the level of sorcerer's apprentices. The "global warming" is their excuse to poison us. In the end, after the tip, to apply to only one thing, always better control us ...
Look up friends!
The spreading of toxic chemicals in our skies would be as "twaddle". The delirium of some conspiracy "theorists of chemtrails." Anyway this is what we explain the "experts" of France (dis) Info ...
revoltedesinsoumis.blogspot.com/2010/08/france-desinfo-et-nuages-toxiques.html Yet just the opposite as we reported this article from the Humanity ...
humanite.fr/27_10_2010-la-g% C3% A9o-ing% C3% A9nierie-weapon-handling-of-mass-456567
It talks about the subject less taboo of geo-engineering. The goal? Manipulating the climate. To what end? Fight against global warming. Lastly this, is the official version. For who has the ability to manipulate the climate will have a formidable weapon for world domination. Except that of the Care Bears, of course. But unfortunately the powerful of this earth, whether elected or not, not really a nice mug Teddy Bear ...
www.prims.fr / drawings / bisounours_cadavre_grand.jpg
Thus we learn in this article that " the Philippines requested, in international negotiations on biodiversity, the establishment of a moratorium on the technology geoengineering to fight against climate change. more question, says the country, continue of experiments in this area without an international mechanism of supervision and surveillance has been established. "
Oh? They experiment? Hold on! And these strange aircraft contrails that question more and more people? Would it not have something to do with these artificial cloud formations which speaks Article ?
Their Plan B is the level of sorcerer's apprentices. The "global warming" is their excuse to poison us. In the end, after the tip, to apply to only one thing, always better control us ...
Look up friends!
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