Do unto others as you would not want done to yourself ...
Belle contribution of my Comrade Julien ... Cruelty to Animals has exceeded any human notion ...
"Anyone who has heard the cries of an animal being killed can never eat his flesh."
(Confucius, Chinese philosopher, 551-479 BC JV)
"If the civilized man would kill himself the animals he eats, the number of vegetarians would rise astronomically."
(Christian Mogensen, German poet, 1871-1914)
"In the meat diet, we completely forget the animal. There is meat in abundance but the animals we eat are removed from our sight.
Any advertising to to eat meat applies to obscure the conditions of life and death of the animal. There is a total break between two worlds: the food, referring contentment, pleasure and celebration, and the other one from which these foods: intensive farming, transport, slaughter ... From the plight of the animal, the consumer knows nothing and wants nothing to do. "
(Florence Burgat, philosopher, researcher at INRA)
concerning the killing of animals, the law of karma applies individually, but collectively ...
"He who allows the killing of an animal and one that performs the act of murder, one that sells the flesh of animal and shot and one that prepares one who distributes such food, and finally one who eats all murderers are all equally liable to punishment prepared by laws of nature. "
" As long as men massacre animals, they kill each other. He who sows murder and pain can not reap joy and love. "
(Pythagoras, Greek mathematician and philosopher, 582-500 BC)
" As long as man will eat animal flesh, and martyr animals, remain in him something wild, so it will be neither health nor peace. "
(Victor Hugo)
" I very soon renounced meat and one day will come when men such me proscribe the killing of animals as they now prohibit the killing of their fellows. "
(Leonard da Vinci)
"As long as men kill animals, they will fight. So long as men eat animals, they tortured to death their innocent victims by hundreds of thousands in laboratories and breeding facilities intensive millions in slaughterhouses of the cities, by myriads in the seas of the world. Their river of blood must not serve any longer for food, their bodies, raw materials, supplies their lives for us men. "
(Drewermann Eugen (1940 -), German theologian and psychotherapist)