When the wise points at the moon, the fool looks at the finger ...
Photo taken a few days ago. Four planes flying in blue sky uncluttered. Four condensation trails that follow them and disappear as and when they travel. Nothing abnormal, so good.
Here, a so-called vapor trail. In any case, born of an artificial cloud passing aircraft. Click on the picture and see what is hidden in this big "cloud". A small plane followed her little vapor trail. It must explain how, in some cases, this little thing, vapor trail of light aircraft, can give this thing huge. Obviously when such cases, the drag is formed very long, persistent and grows to form a haze or cloud ...
small picture to see the enormity of the thing ...
Take the first picture and compare it to the latter. Nothing wrong? Contrails released some days some aircraft have nothing to do with those paid by those in the first picture. They are not there contrails but quite another thing. And the result is the creation of artificial clouds. For what purpose? Manipulating the climate can be ...
For further reading ...
revoltedesinsoumis.blogspot.com/2010/11/nuages-toxiques-le-plan-b.html When the wise points at the moon, the fool looks at the finger ...
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