Friday, October 8, 2010

Does Diance 35 Cause Breast Enlargement

Call to Political Blogosphere: do actions against the pension reform successes

relayed by the blog Another Life :

To support the days of strikes, demonstrations of 12 and 16 October and ended strike.

Young, high school and college students demonstrated across France. For employees, the mobilization ended strike widens to transport, SNCF, RATP, Road, Dockers and port personnel, with the energy 140 companies including EDF-GDF, to personal areas of petrochemicals, TOTAL refineries, metallurgical industry, more and more sectors government, industry, La Poste and France Telecom, Air France, magistrates and judicial staff, the list grows day by day.
Gentlemen, Ladies of the blogosphere, it is time to leave Arsenal Digital, which makes the ticket fly, this is a call to the Internet activist in you. Do you feel

not something that happens?

This government will realize that we must not underestimate the outrage it provoked.
Arrogance of Nicolas Sarkozy, the fact that he turns his back to the French, causing the unions yet very responsible so far.

And these are not some amendments expected from the Elysee, the Senate or Mr Woerth changing all that.

is the base that requires its confederations strikes renewable none was planning to generalize this point, we can not stay away from this movement. We

relay and support all initiatives that will enable to preserve the right to retire at age 60.

To succeed, we must raise the balance of power.

renewable Strikes will cause GA (general assembly) almost every day, and therefore it is necessary that these employees do not feel to be abandoned after the day of 12. We must support all actions that will ultimately allow the government retreat.

We can also contribute to broadening the engagement.

Thanks in advance to relay a strong appeal to the mobilization:


steps Lost


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Thanks to Juan de SARKOFRANCE, Des Not Lost and Nicolas for these lists.


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