Facebook revolution!
This is how we lived and made the revolt of the Egyptian and Tunisian peoples cons of infamous dictators and invincible, backed by our long-standing major Western democracies ...
Great Democracies that do not lack energy to what is to give lessons when it comes to freedom, justice or equality. Today their fellow dictators
practice Internet censorship to silence the People and break his momentum in search of a better life. Internet censorship, ardently criticized when it is practiced in countries such as China and Iran (at right, of course, criticism).
Clearly the Internet has become a powerful weapon for the People. A great tool to fight against the misinformation that the media offensive practice every day. To learn, communicate and organize. Times have changed and they know it.
So rather than give great lessons it would be time to put its own house. France, a country of human rights, as she prepares us for several months? Law Loppsi 2! But it What is it? Just a law that, among other under the guise of fighting against child pornography, for example, will just set up Internet censorship. The end of freedom of expression, many of which grabbed via a technology that was not originally made for that. No, originally it was referred to the profit and control the masses of course. But it was unfamiliar with the people, rather regarded as a flock of sheep. But cattle to wake up and revolt. And this, from all over the world!
But back on topic! Here is an article that explains what, for many months, they're to prepare in France and elsewhere. With Loppsi 2, Big Brother is in place and it should scare us ...
An article on the topic from the site of the association Acrimed ...
The Free TV on Loppsi 2 and the current event ...
latelelibre.fr/emissions/le-point-rouge/le-point-rouge-27-les-libertes-numeriques /
Loppsi 2, the law tote ...
So since there is no doubt that when this draconian law will be implemented Many people come out in the streets. Like hundreds of thousands who marched against the pension reform, or those peoples seeking freedom and today the news. I just want to remind everyone, while I still can, this recent sentence very fair and so surprising coming from our current Prime Minister François Fillon and who did not fall on deaf ears:
This is how we lived and made the revolt of the Egyptian and Tunisian peoples cons of infamous dictators and invincible, backed by our long-standing major Western democracies ...
Great Democracies that do not lack energy to what is to give lessons when it comes to freedom, justice or equality. Today their fellow dictators
practice Internet censorship to silence the People and break his momentum in search of a better life. Internet censorship, ardently criticized when it is practiced in countries such as China and Iran (at right, of course, criticism).
Clearly the Internet has become a powerful weapon for the People. A great tool to fight against the misinformation that the media offensive practice every day. To learn, communicate and organize. Times have changed and they know it.
So rather than give great lessons it would be time to put its own house. France, a country of human rights, as she prepares us for several months? Law Loppsi 2! But it What is it? Just a law that, among other under the guise of fighting against child pornography, for example, will just set up Internet censorship. The end of freedom of expression, many of which grabbed via a technology that was not originally made for that. No, originally it was referred to the profit and control the masses of course. But it was unfamiliar with the people, rather regarded as a flock of sheep. But cattle to wake up and revolt. And this, from all over the world!
But back on topic! Here is an article that explains what, for many months, they're to prepare in France and elsewhere. With Loppsi 2, Big Brother is in place and it should scare us ...
An article on the topic from the site of the association Acrimed ...
The Free TV on Loppsi 2 and the current event ...
latelelibre.fr/emissions/le-point-rouge/le-point-rouge-27-les-libertes-numeriques /
Loppsi 2, the law tote ...
So since there is no doubt that when this draconian law will be implemented Many people come out in the streets. Like hundreds of thousands who marched against the pension reform, or those peoples seeking freedom and today the news. I just want to remind everyone, while I still can, this recent sentence very fair and so surprising coming from our current Prime Minister François Fillon and who did not fall on deaf ears:
" It's the people ... who decides "
(but we will understand, that's just when it suits them ...)
(but we will understand, that's just when it suits them ...)
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